After taking the titan down in a fit of rage Erwin confesses he knew of the assassination plot all along and convinces Levi to permanently join the scout regiment. Attack on Titan OVA episodes HELP So i watched AOT and love it, i used to not like anime but i guess i wasnt watching the kind id be into (i dont know anime lingo).

When rain and heavy mist set in Levi leaves to find Erwin only to find an abnormal titan has demolished the scouts including his two comrades. Unable to find the documents the trio leaves on expedition outside the walls where they successfully take down three titans. In part 2 Levi, Isabel and Farlan officially join the scouts with a mission to recover stolen documents and kill Erwin. The Titan falls to the ground, and Levi takes the opportunity to slice its nape and kill it. Read Attack on Titan Ova : No regrets (Part 2) from the story Lucy Jaeger - (Levi love story) by FaiqahFarouk (Puteri Raisya) with 58 reads. Levi distracts the Titan as Isabel and Furlan take out its knees to immobilize it.
#Attack on titan levi ova series#
They're eventually caught by a special band of scouts led by Erwin Smith who persuades them to join the military. Attack on Titan: Birth of Levi MM SUB ( Ova Series ) Total Episode 2. Shortly after watching two soldiers die at the hands of a Titan, Levi orders for Isabel and Furlan to help him kill it, though Flagon does not approve. A mysterious figure takes one of their allies hostage and convinces the trio to carry out a contract that will secure their citizenship above ground.
#Attack on titan levi ova tv#
Some of these are new and some are animations that weren’t released on TV before. NHK in Japan is going to be airing quite a few specials leading up to Attack on Titan’s premiere. Part of a young band of thieves who use stolen ODM gear, Levi and Farlan Church take in the animal-loving Isabel Magnolia after saving her from merchant thugs. A lot is happening in the Attack on Titan world before Season 4 Part 2 premieres on January 9. In this 2 part series we follow a young Levi Ackerman stuck in the Underground City where lawlessness and criminals rule.